Oh happy day!
Today was wonderfully uneventful. I slept in until 8.00 o'clock which never happens these days , listened to some music: a beautiful Mahler CD called Song Cycles (4.49 euro's, Kruidvat) and waited for the nurse to arrive. By 12.00 she had not surfaced so I took my shower myself. When I got out Ineke had done my shopping for me and Marc had arrived for a visit.
He actually came around twice.
I had wanted to post something on the topic "crying"...but the picture I had made of myself looked so macabre I thought that if I put it on here you might think I am dead. HAHA. Well, I can photoshop it and use it tomorrow or so. Always a great topic to write about. For now....I'm just shiny..happy and comfortable.
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