26 February 2010
The morning after
It is the morning after my operation. I am now the proud owner of a right-hand T2™ Proximal Humeral Nail, a fine addition to my Titanium collection (which for the record, I bequeath to my three sisters).
This is not my arm by the way!
This time things are going well despite a very long wait whilst checking in. It is really quiet in the department so I got my own room. Everyone still knew me so I didn't have to go through all the administrative procedures. Marcus brought me to the hospital and Mom joined us there just in time to wish me luck. Around 11.45 I was brought to the Operating area. They spent quite a while preparing the anesthesia and in the end I was not given a catheter. The same lady who did my pre-op was there to to the job. She actually thougth that that would be a pleasant suprise for Marc and I! Oh well, Dr. Lips had taken time off from his practice to come and look me up. He made sure that everything was OK for my operation so I was confident that they weren't making mistakes.
I think that the operation took about 2 hours. I can't remember being brought back to my room, but mom was there and my sister Angélique came by. The pain is bearable and I feel like I'm on top of the world again looking ahead at the plan which Lips and I had pre-meditated when he stopped by: Back to radiation and Iodine therapy soon, and we are going to try heat therapy on the larger tumors.
Cat naps...the rest of the night and I feel one coming up again. This morning I am sure to hear when I get to go home. Every day in the hospital is an infection risk...so I hope to leave soon.
By the way, I met Schönhuth after my operation. He told me the bone actually broke when they put the pin in. So lucky I was able to come so soon! He has done a nice job with only two small entry points. Genius!
Looking ahead again. Can't wait for my trip to Brazil!
PS: Hip Hip Hurray for WIFI in the Hospital!
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Number in hospital
This time there's Wifi!
Operation went well. My number is +31 20 7955134.
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23 February 2010
Prepping for Op
Getting ready for my operation which will be on Thursday instead of Wednesday. Yesterday I went to the VU with Marcus and we waited 2 whole hours for my pre-operative screening. It took so long because they have a new system. Great system! They haven't even imported all the information from previous operations! Bloody waste of time! I am totally disgusted with the fact that nobody told me to stop taking the chemo, even when I mentioned it! Can you imagine that?
So I'm once again, making sure that all Doctors involved are informed.
Speaking to Dr. Van Triest (AVL) about this, I discovered that the AVL take extra care with chemo patients when they operate on them. Apparently it is necessary to use different techniques with (for instance) placing the catheter (tube to empty bladder). I am a little anxious now seeing as the anasthesiologist at the pre-op told me she didn't mind me taking my chemo during the operation period. They have got to be kidding! Sorafenib can cause bleeding and will definately slow down healing if it is a medicine which counteract protein cell growth! I am my own therapist as usual and have taken caution by stopping the cure a week ago. Hopefully my body will have had time to reset.
I will be operated on by Dr. Schönhuth whom I haven't even met. You can read about him here.
Keeping thumbs x-ed.
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21 February 2010
I was right on track,....moving forward....enjoying my new-found life, when suddenly my right arm started to hurt. The pain increased rapidly, getting worse everyday. I called my radiation therapist and she made an appointment for me but wasn't willing to go through with it before I had an x-ray taken.
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12 February 2010
Picking up pace
The molestation thingamagic took it's toll. It left me in general apathy the days after. And when I thought that I had finally arranged everything with the Police, I received a standard letter saying they didn't have enough leads to follow through. With my apathy thing going on I was happy when my sister Aldith stepped in and headed for the Police station. They gave her some crappy story that there was no registration of the culprit's payment transaction. After a little strategic manoevering on our part, they miraculously found all the evidence they needed to pursue my manhunt. Today I received a letter to confirm this.
In the meantime, I am moving on with everyday life. Kiara had a few days off here and there so we spent some quality time. It was so cute when I found this on my bathroom window. I thought at first it was kind of early to hold a boy talk with
Kiara, but silly old me....it was the 'M' for mommy! We spent a whole lot of time clearing out Kiara's bedroom. It is more and more becoming a teenager room. She is growing so fast I can't believe it! Just a few more shows to go and her Mandela endeavor will be over.
Today she treated the kids to goodies in her class because Nelson Mandela was released from Robin Island exactly 20 years ago. It is also my sister Angélique, my auntie Tirza, my nephew Segal's and Tineke's Daughter Armelle's birthday. A happy one to all of you.

I have been working on growth for my oh so tiny company. Renaissance Communication has doubled it's amount of clients. I have gone from one to two! LOL. I had new cards made and am working on my website. I want to finish off one of my jobs so that I can move forward with more ambitious projects.
I have also had a marvelous time on Facebook finding old friends from Rosemead, ACST, and EAR. It's been a blast and it looks like there's a few reunions coming up.
As for my health, I am trying to find the right dose to be able to continue my chemo. It looks as if it is working while I take it. But it all comes back when I stop. And I have to stop because of the side effects. Right now I have made the decision to plan an iodine treatment soon. Off to the hospital tomorrow.
As far as my rehab goes, I am doing pretty good. I am starting to walk short distances without my crutches. My right arm is acting up though. I hope that I am not heading towards a 4th pin.
Another thing.......looks like my hair is growing back!
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