ITO is a standardized test for highschool admissions. This test is given in the last year of the primary school in the Netherlands used to assess the academic level of the students. It is rather important to do well, as the school of your choice will look at your score when they decide to admit you or not. The scores coincide with the different learning levels of the Dutch highschool system. I am adding an overview for the Dutch readers as most people don't have a clue what the cito scores signify:
Basis- en kaderberoepsgerichte leerweg: 519 - 525
Kaderberoepsgerichte leerweg : 524 - 528
Gemengde / theoretische leerweg 529 - 533
Gemengde / theoretische leerweg en havo 532 - 536
Gemengde / theoretische leerweg en havo / vwo 535 - 541
Havo 537 - 540
Havo / vwo 540 - 545 Vwo (Gymnasium en Atheneum) 545 - 550
Anyway, since Christmas Kiara has visited many schools trying to determine where sh

Here is Kiara's quote which was published on the school website:
"We zijn de laatste tijd veel aan het oefenen voor de CITO. vooral de laatste week, nu maken we elke dag ongeveer 3 oefentoetsen. Mij lijkt de CITO toets erg leuk, omdat je niks hoeft te schrijven en niemand je afleid {hopelijk}. We zijn ook in de krant (TROUW) gekomen. We zij met school op de fiets naar het Comenius college geweest en de volgende dag naar Groenhorst college.
"Lately we have been practicing a lot for the CITO exams, especially the past week. We now do 3 practice tests each day. I think I will really enjoy the CITO exams because you don't have to write so much (MC) and nobody is able to disturb you. (I hope.) We also made the TROUW newspaper with an article. We visited the Comenius College by bike and went to Groenhorst college the next day."

My sister Angélique celebrated the fact that she received her Masters Degree!! Congrats to her, I am so proud!