The last of the locks
It has been a very busy 1 days and I will need at least 3 to recuperate. But yesterday morning I left for the Ardennes in Belgium to meet with my co-workers from PwC for a team-building event. I had almost been admitted to the hospital around this time last year, so I was in no shape to attend the company outing. This year I thought it would be a good opportunity to get to new collegues and make sure
that I keep iknow n touch with work. It was a marathon getting there as the drive alone was pretty much killing. After a 4 hour drive including a 15 minute stop, I was pretty much ready for a lie down by the time I got there.
I participated where possible with my team but ended up watching for the better part of the afternoon. Later on we went to the house in which the gang was going to sleep. We barbequed and afterwards I left for André and Kamila's, my nephew and his girlfriend to spend the night there.'s. That was another hour drive.
I slept in until 11.15 which really suprised me.
It's been a long time since I slept in that late. I must have been really tired. Unfortunately that gave me little time there as I had an appointment in Amsterdam at 16.00 to have my hair cut. I picked up Kiara first and we went there together. The last of the dreadlocks were cut out, and now, I have a short Afro hair style. I was OK with how it looked. I had already shed my tears on Thursday night. Aldith, Kiara and Marcus had been so sweet to me that I got over that easily. I am ready for radiation therapy. When I got home this afternoon, I read that I am actually starting on monday. I am apprehensive, but also very happy that something is happening to the not so modest bump on my head.