Since April 17, the day that I heard that I have cancer, half a year has passed. I guess that calls for a celebration as I would not have made it to this day if I had not had treatment. However, it is my fatigue that prevails. Fighting this long is tiring. Going back to the Trappenberg this week after having had treatment is tough and I find myself wanting to sleep all day. Instead we went to buy shoes for Kiara today, as fall will soon turn to winter. These everyday chores are no longer done without planning. They drain energy and cause pain. Kiara was happy. As I was hoping she would go for the girly purple boots, she ended up going for the rugged boys version. Oh well, it did save me 30 Euros so who's complaining!
Tomorrow they will be coming to my home to see if I am entitled to the adjustments. I am hoping they will acknowledge the extra toilet upstairs and the wheelchair, as well as the stool for my kitchen. We will see. According to my ergo therapist the scootmobile will not be a problem. I wonder!
I also have a meeting at the hospital tomorrow. I hope the results of the scans which were made on monday (2 whole hours of scanning. So happy Marcus came along!) will have reached my doctor. We will discuss what will happen the next couple of months. On friday, I have my driving test. I am not too worried about that as my functions are fine. Driving is really not a problem. It is however a necessity.
Keep on moving, don't stop, no, keep on moving
Keep on moving, keep on moving, don't stop, no
Keep on moving
I know the time, time today, walking alone in my own way
Extreme cold and rainy day, friends and I have fun along the way
Yes we do! I hide myself from no one
I know the time will really come when you'll be in my life
My life always, yellow is the colour of sunrays
Keep on moving, don't stop like the hands of time
Click clock, find your own way to stay, the time will come one day
Yes Keep on moving,..
Soul II Soul