Recuperation is energy consuming. The last couple of weeks have been really difficult with all the things going wrong. Thank you for all your kind messages. I hope to get back to all of you soon!
Last Friday I completed my radiation therapy. They finally took an x-ray of my hip joint which gave me the security to get back on my feet. Starting last Wednesday, I have started to walk again. After seeing Dr. de Boer in the Pain department, life became easier.
He blocked the trapped nerve so I cannot feel it and I have been given muscle relaxers to reduce the pain. 
They should have done this when I was still in the hospital which would have avoided a whole lot of trouble. I am also practicing sitting upright. Yesterday I managed 5 hours which was a first. I will be starting rehab next week. The Dr. was reluctant to allowing met to start with a full-blown schedule, but I felt like I don't have time to waste. We agreed on 3x physical therapy per week to start with. It's a shame he did not plan the hydrotherapy which would have given me some relaxation time.
The Trappenberg is only 10 minutes from here so I will be going into day care. I intend to be on a complete schedule within two weeks. I have plans for the summer and must be well by then. I went to see Dr. Lips yesterday. We have planned to start the alternative treatment (Sorafenib) in August. I am hoping this will work for me. There aren't too many
options after that. In the meantime, I will continue my Iodine treatments.
Whatever the case, I am looking ahead again and seem to have jumped on the band wagon. Glad to be walking again.