Discharged from hospital
On admittance I was told that I was to stay in the hospital for 5 days. It was a great suprise when the young attractive surgeon stood next to my bed at 8 in the morning on wednesday, only one day after the operation, and told me I was allowed to go home. Two things had to be in order: I had to pee and they wanted to check my Calcium levels.
The operation was a succes. Nothing was damaged and I wasn't even swollen. (Thank you for the Arnica D6 tip, Jeanine!) I had troubles breathing though which worried my family. An electrocardiogram was made and the lung specialist saw me. My Oxygen take-up was 100%...so...I decided to go home.

Before I left, I had half a day to kill. I had a lot of visitors. Rachelle came to see me and spent about half an hour cleaning up my vomit. Myriam was ever so sweet to spend her lunch time with me. Angélique and Aldith walked in together, all shiny happy, and Dideke (my manager) and Anita (my co-worker) came in with my life trophy:They had made A wonderful Superwoman poster which started me crying before they had a chance to walk towards me. How well they know me. The afternoon went by in a daze.
Later at 4 o'clock my parents came with Kiara to pick me up. Kiara climbed in my bed and hugged me profusely. I held my fathers hand as if I was hanging on to life itself.
They made us wait until 7 o'clock. In the mean time I had to climb out of the bed 3 times to go to the toilet. Do not forget that the fear of hospital beds was still with me and that that was a main reason for me to get home a.s.a.p. ! Half an hour before the operation the bed fence had collapsed on me and stretched my muscles in my leg, stomache and back. That did not help after this weeks episode. I had already hung up the beautiful poster with 4 leaved clovers which Kiara's classmates made for me over the hospital bed at home to divert my attention...but the beds in the hospital are actually higher and I could not get out of them without a nurse's help.
They made us wait until 7 o'clock. In the mean time I had to climb out of the bed 3 times to go to the toilet. Do not forget that the fear of hospital beds was still with me and that that was a main reason for me to get home a.s.a.p. ! Half an hour before the operation the bed fence had collapsed on me and stretched my muscles in my leg, stomache and back. That did not help after this weeks episode. I had already hung up the beautiful poster with 4 leaved clovers which Kiara's classmates made for me over the hospital bed at home to divert my attention...but the beds in the hospital are actually higher and I could not get out of them without a nurse's help.
What do you call a fear of hospital beds? Lectulusphobia? (My sister sharply pointed out to me that I was mixing Latin and Greek. The right term must therefore be: Krebatiphobia) I must work on that with Sabine as it is my one and only trauma.
As we drove towards the Gooi area I noticed how much better the air was at home than in Amsterdam. I also believe the flowers in the hospital room were making me asthmatic.
Sweet Aisha,
You have changed your settings so I can finally add a comment.
Let me tell you that I am so proud to have you as my sister! The way you carry this heavy burden is an example to the human race. I am positive that your attitude towards this disgusting dis-ease will eradicate it from your Life soon. That is the moment we all pray for: to have you back with us in full swing, health and strength. Nuff love, always!
Hello handsome!
you probably get a kazillion e-mails a-day, with all uplifting little texts... so here is going to be another one: you go strong gal!
i just found out about you being this ill cuz i just came back from my little trip to Israel with my mom and now i feel weird...cuz of you being this ill without me realizing and cuz i really want you to feel amazing and healthy!
so if there is something i can do. babbysitting. doing the dishes. feeding zee elephants. anything:)
just let me know.
hihi. and also: my mom says hi.
I want to tell you ev-ery-thing about Israel but... that would take forever so i will just tell you the part that made me think of what you said:
One day we were in haifa and my mom had to go and do some stuff and i would wait outside and enjoy the beautiful wheater ( 41 degrees celcius! fahrenheit is overrated hihi). There was this guy selling jaffa orange juice ( jaffa means 'the most beautiful' and thats cuz them oranges really taste amazing :) ) so i went over and got some. and it was delicious. and i went over to get some more. and more. and more and lots of more! and after like six glasses i just started to talk to him. out of the blue. which is really unusual for me. he told me everything. why he was doing what he did. where he came from, all those things. and i felt really great cuz for once i wasnt this shy and i had this great conversation with someone whom's excistance i was totally unaware of before this all occured! isnt that an amazing thing? that once you make a choice a whole new universe shows up. a whole new universe that you were unaware of until you actually take part. doesnt every milimeter excist out of endless little universe;s that do not have any shape until you you are able to see them and choose for one of them. i mean possibly we will never be able to see all those possibilty's and we just choose out of the ones that we can see. what is living? isnt living creating?
oh i am so sorry for this endless rant :-) this is just how my brains works. and i am way to lazy to delete :-) or maybe it will make you smile whilst reading. i hope so. the whole situation just made me think of you cuz of the whole just go and ask people for money! thingy. hihi. yaknow? itsa good thing for me to be social :-)/ and i really want you to get all healthy real soon! if you need something. anytime! fo sho!
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