Getting back into a normal modus was not quite as easy as I had expected. The week in Ulrum, Groningen was absolutely fantastic. I used to go to there once every year for a retreat. I haven't been able to do so in a long time, so I rented this house in Ulrum. 
Groningen is situated in the North of Holland by the coast near the Wadden Islands. I have a particular love for this part of the country as it is the only area in the Netherlands with Big Sky. Rather than going into
retreat I decided to invite the family along to enjoy my favorite part of the Netherlands with me. On our way there we stopped by Siem and Ada at their home and Vineyard. Siem and Ada are Paula's (Martin's ex) parents. They have been like grandparents to Kiara. It was a particularly sunny day, so after a wonderful lunch with club sandwiches which Ada had prepared, Siem taught Kiara how to play Jeu de Boules. He won!
As they played, Ada showed me the vineyard, a massive endeavor in which they have been quite succesful. Around 15:00 we made our way to Ulrum via the Afsluitdijk. After an hour and 20 minutes we reached the house in Ulrum.
Kiara and I settled in nicely, and later that evening Marcus and Collin arrived. The next morning we went to Pieterburen. They have a seal care centre there where the sick animals are treated before being let into the wild again.
We had a good time and had a walk through the botanical gardens of the Paulus church. After lunch we did some sight-seeing. The following day we went to Insect World
in Leens where we learnt all about the significance of insects. Kiara ended up petting an Iguana. Yuck!Lunch at the Insect World was fine and cheap, after which I brought Marcus and the kids to the swimming pool.
I made my way back to the house as Aldith and my
parents were expected. Mom had brought Surinamees food (pom) which was delicious. After dinner Kiara and the boys went for a kart-race directly behind the house. Collin was the winner
scoring with a velocity comparable to amature racers! We must find a pot of gold to get him into racing. That evening Marcus and Collin went home. Aldith had only come for the day so only Kiara and my parents and myself were left at the house. We played games until late in the evening.
The following morning we continued our sight-seeing tour. I showed my parents where I had stayed for previous visits. An old cloister in Kloosterburen which now serves as a hotel provides an excellent place to relax from the city stress. We were able to look inside as there was an exposition in the chappel. Later on
we drove to Verhildersum to have a look at the old Burg. It wa
s great being there with my parents! When they left, Kiara and I headed for the Tea Factory in Houwerzijl and had tea and scones. The Factory's tour resembled the tour that we used to make for large companies at DST where I worked years ago. I must find out if it was one of their experiences.
At night my friend Eddie who lives in Groningen visited. We
ate together and caught up on news. It was good to see him again. Afterwards I packed all our stuff and put it in the car, ready to leave before 10 am. Our trip to Groningen was fabulous. On Friday Kiara and I went to Groningen city to the cartoon museum. We headed home afterwards.
I had intended to get away from my everyday preoccupation and it worked! The weather was marvelous and the company even better. Every time that I do something that I have planned and things work out...I think "Gotcha"!