21 May 2007

Back on the medi-go-round

I am only just starting to feel like my energy is coming back. Two short visits of friends to my home, yesterday knocked me out. I say this to illustrate where my energy level's at. Missing the thyroid gland is starting to take it's toll as I feel like a menopauzal 50 year-old.

Well I'm back on the medi-go-round now with many visits to the hospital coming up. It feels like running a marathon.

This morning I visited the endocrinologist. He told me what to expect. I have quite an itinerary:

Friday, May 25 - visit to the orthopedic

Tuesday, May 29 - check-up at the surgeon's

Monday, June 4- scan and uptake

Tuesday, June 5 - scan and uptake

Thursday, June 7- re-admittance for the iodine treatment

Saturday, June 9- leave the hospital and start hormone treatment (Kiara will have to be gone for 7 more days to keep her safe from my radiation).

Friday, June 15- total body scan

And somewhere in June they want to operate on my back. I am exhausted frankly, so I will try to push that last bit ahead a bit especially since my dear friend Najeeb will be visiting me in June. Hopefully by that time my recovery will have started to show and perhaps my quality of life will enhance.
The psychological effect of not doing anything about the cancer itself is also a burden, so I am a little bit torn between one decision or the other. Friday I will let them help me make an educated decision about this.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lieve Ai,
deze week wordt het weer erg druk en zwaar voor jou, je moet weer 't ziekenhuis in en uit. Ik wens je heel veel sterkte en ik denk aan je. Wat fijn dat Moeder bij je is, wat is ze toch een schat. In gedachten omhels ik je,
heel veel liefs en kusjes,
je Tita