07 June 2010


Friends visit and bring me outside!

OK, so I've been busy checking-off the list! Here goes.

  1. Lung infection - gone
  2. Blood in urine - gone
  3. Low trombocyte count - gone
  4. Low leucocyte count - gone
  5. Anaemia - I was given a transfusion
  6. Psychological dip - moving upwards
What's still going on?

  1. Arm operation on Thursday.
  2. Possible bladder infection.
  3. Decubitis.
What do I need?

Well it would be great to have more people visit. Particularily in the mornings from 11 to 13 hours. Do come, but do call in advance!

1 comment:

Jocie Z ROCK said...

how can i possibly say how MUCH i LOVE the pic of you outside in the sunlight, and shining on your legs!!! Vitamin D, yummy!!!!