28 June 2010

Early Bird Rises to the Occasion

The last couple of days have been rather stressful.
Coming to the Trappenberg I was confronted with the bad communication skills of the VU hospital. For instance; they hadn't reported that I can not strain my arm for 4 weeks. Nor had they reported that I had already walked since the operation. Vital information like that can totally influence my treatment plan. Experience had had me worried in advance so I discussed this with the hospital. They promised to pass on the necessary info and when push came to shove, they didn't. This means that it will take at least half a week for me to correct the damage in the Trappenberg. They have put on the pressure for me here because I am difficult to treat at the moment and they want to see results in 2 weeks, if not I am out of here for the meantime. I am really pissed-off (excuse my French) about this.
On top of this, they have decided that I am now a neurological patient instead of a surgical or orthopaedic patient. This means that another team has to treat me. Therapist with whom I have worked together for 3 years and who know me really well, are no longer going to treat me. I hope to change this this coming week. The stress and frustration was on the foreground for me this weekend as I tried to fit in again. As usual, my case sticks out like a sore thumb. I am the only patient that gets moved around in their bed.

It has been wonderful to be in this environment again. (nature and fresh air). I have been lucky enough to get my own room. I am a lot closer to Hilversum which is great. (10 minutes by car).

Today I am off to the VU hospital for radiation therapy to T1 and the pubic bone. It's a way to get my mind off things I guess...because the stress of the transportation by ambulance and laying down on a hard surface in the simulator and during the radiation is much bigger than the stressing about the burocracy at the Trappenberg.

I would like to emphasize that I would be delighted if you want to visit. Do call in advance on my cellphone.

1 comment:

appelejan said...

It's so frustrating to fight against windmills constantly, and that in a time that energy is so scarse and to be used for recovery instead of bureaucratic mambo jambo. Is is saad but also very worriing to read that one has to be quite alive and kicking to survive vu hospital " accuracy" . Seems not very hopefull for patients who are less able to come up for their one rights. Wish you luck with radiation, and hope it will all soon be back to acceptable, {{{{{{goodvibes}}}}}}}