New fase
It seems like I am entering a new fase. The damage of the surgery seems to be fixing itself gradually and despite the pain I must say I am still progressing. All in all my mobility is much better than I had expected beforehand. I kept wondering as time went on if my motivation was up to notch.
I tried to compare my situation to 2 years ago, but our wonderful mind tends to erase tragedy and pain. I therefore have little reference but now that the rehabilitation Dr. has set his mind on discharging me already I think that I am doing rather well. Two years ago, I made my trip to Washington DC 3 months after I started at the Trappenberg. I can walk much better than I did then. This time round I am dealing with a fracture with is causing a lot of pain.
Once again, the orthopedic department of the VU is pissing me off. How is it that an endocrinologist can find a fracture and the head of the orthopedic department can't. The fracture in itself does not have to be a real problem, practically, as I have the pin in my leg. But it is an indication to take is much more slowly with regards to the rehabilitation plan. So it seems like these are probably the last 6 to 8 weeks at the Trappenberg. I still have the ambition to walk without my crutches and don't see why I wouldn't be able to in the long run.
Ending the rehab is OK, as long as they give me just a little more time. I am now in the process of a series of tests to evaluate my general state of health in order to be able to move forward to the new treatment with the Sorafenib. I had my regular scans made last Sunday and I am not expecting to see any major changes. These pictures were taken at the VU hospital on a Sunday afternoon! We were waiting for my new headscan.
Kiara and I had a strange Sunday, getting up really early for a reasonably cheap fotoshoot for Kiara. Seeing as is is her ambition to be a part of showbizz, I thought she could use some professional fotographs. They turned out very nice. Here is one to prove it. After the shoot we went to Laren and had Poffertjes for lunch. The sign indicated that they were closing down for the winter in 2 weeks time. Just made it with Kiara. We always go there a few times in the summer. At the VU was OK. The radiologist let Kiara in. He showed her how his keys went flying through the room towards the magnetic machine (MRI) and he allowed her to look inside my head. Kiara knows my scans from my head because I showed them to her when the incredible progression was visible. She had asked me if my treatments were working. I wanted to give her something palpable to stop her worrying to much. She seemed pleased after she had seen the new scans. I guess I am doing well!
Thursday we met with Dr. Van den Eertweg, my new oncologist. After running all my tests we will start the new cure. We will wait until the 16th of september to administer the first dose. I have managed to manipulate the dates and all seems to be going according to a plan that I feel comfortable with. I have the intention to defy statistics once again. After all I am much younger and healthier than the people tested in the trials.
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