17 August 2007

Wounds of war

On the exterior you will find my body art. A surgical scar made by the mystical
Dr. Jiya. In the photograph you can see the scar on my back which I feared so much before the operation. I was more concerned about the scar than what was to happen on the interior.
This is exactly what I told Dr. Jiya who is black as night.
(Dr. Jiya is a fine specimen of animal who causes every female to drool. Hence the volunteers to accompany me when I go for my check up)
We negro's have a thing with impecable skin. So when I found out that he was to be my surgeon I spoke to him as one of his peers. He certainly took my words into consideration, as I now look upon my scars as wounds of war which make me proud. Proud that I won the battle.
The battle seems to really have been won at this stage in time, though I am reluctant to say this. The "what if" question will pass through my thoughts frequently the coming months, maybe years. I have finally managed to get a clear prognoses. I have 10 years or more to live.
When I mention this to people they are startled. I am thrilled to pieces! Kiara will be 18 by then. I also believe that if I make it to 10 years, the following years should be peanuts! They say life begins at 40. Monday I will be 39... it's time to reap what I have sown.

"What a piece of work is man!
How noble in reason!
how infinite in faculties!
in form and moving,
how express and admirable!
in action how like an angel!
in apprehension, how like a god!
the beauty of the world!
the paragon of animals!"
William Shakespeare (Hamlet)

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