Lucky at last!
A few weeks ago I attended the opening of the Entrada project in Hilversum. This is a building complex where 4 appartment blocks are going to be errected on the terrain in front of the CS in Hilversum.
This building project seemed right up my stream as my gradually deteriorating physical condition is demanding a different, more adapted environment.I have a limitted budget and at first it seemed that I wouldn't be able to afford a home in Hilversum. I was on orientation in Almere so that I could be closer to Marcus. Somehow, everything I looked for there was in the wrong sort of timing for me, because I want Kiara to stay in her primary school until the end. This project is interesting because the ground fee accumulates in 10 years time...meaning that the first couple of years living is inexpensive.
is excellent, right in the middle of the town and adjacent to my current neighborhood. It is on block away from Aldith's home.
Many people came to see the project, and I was one of them. Getting into a crane that went up 10 flights, only days after my arm operation. I even made the newspaper...that's me in the crane. Ineke and Jermaine had come along on my little endeavor, and as you can see in the picture...I had my mind set on a very special appartment.
To obtain an appartment I had to sign in for a lotery which was going to take place at a notary office sometime in April. I signed in for 18 of the 61 lots and then I fell ill again.
Time seemed to be speeding up things. My new handicap requires a new home and my biggest fear is to have to do with wat is assigned to me. I was already trying to find a way be given an exception.
Since I am back in the hospital it is of great concern to me where I am going to live. Kiara needs to be in a good place too. Yesterday morning while I was arranging my aids voor my current house, the real estate lady called me. The appartment that Ineke and I are pointing at has been assigned to me. I cried!
How cool is that, congratulations!!!
Wauw! Gefeliciteerd! Goed nieuws! Als iemand goed nieuws verdient ben jij het wel! XX
Wauw! Gefeliciteerd! Goed nieuws! En als iemand goed nieuws verdient, ben jij het wel! XX
Geweldig!!! Wat een mooi appartement. Ik ben zo blij voor je, jippieeee!
Fantastisch! Het ziet er erg mooi uit. Wanneer is het dan klaar?
Zo'n opkikker kon je goed gebruiken. Wat fijn, een heel nieuw appartement. Zo een die je niet hoeft om te bouwen naar je eigen smaak; waar de muren niet alle kleuren van de regenboog hebben gehad.
Hoe lang gaat de bouw duren? Heel veel voorpret toegewenst.
Zo'n opkikker kon je goed gebruiken. Wat fijn, een heel nieuw appartement. Zo een die je niet hoeft om te bouwen naar je eigen smaak; waar de muren niet alle kleuren van de regenboog hebben gehad.
Hoe lang gaat de bouw duren? Heel veel voorpret toegewenst.
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