28 June 2009


I have been back at the Trappenberg for 2 weeks now. I dived right into a strict programme to rehabilitate. The programme consists of physical therapy, hydro therapy and activity therapy (I do my painting there). The pain is horrifying but it feels much better knowing that is getting me somewhere. I have noticed changes like being able to put on me D.O. without and being able to lift my on arms or being able to sit up half of the day. I've been pretty busy working on getting my things in order at home during the occasional lost moment. My mother who is still here with me has been priceless as usual, working through my jobs with me. I do the jobs lying down or in brief periods sitting down. It is really rewarding when I manage.
Getting to and from the Trappenberg has proved to be less trying than I imagined. I drive myself, which seems to be OK for short trips. I have decided to get tested by the driving authorities to ensure couvarage of my insurance. Will be sending out my application sometime this week.
I am also slowly starting to find time to sociallize again. Ineke came by, and last Saturday Tineke treated my mother and I to Sushi. Today I even went to Bo's birthday. I am also managing to do the odd errand in town. All in all, I am moving towards a normal existance again.

11 June 2009


Recuperation is energy consuming. The last couple of weeks have been really difficult with all the things going wrong. Thank you for all your kind messages. I hope to get back to all of you soon!
Last Friday I completed my radiation therapy. They finally took an x-ray of my hip joint which gave me the security to get back on my feet. Starting last Wednesday, I have started to walk again. After seeing Dr. de Boer in the Pain department, life became easier.
He blocked the trapped nerve so I cannot feel it and I have been given muscle relaxers to reduce the pain.
They should have done this when I was still in the hospital which would have avoided a whole lot of trouble. I am also practicing sitting upright. Yesterday I managed 5 hours which was a first. I will be starting rehab next week. The Dr. was reluctant to allowing met to start with a full-blown schedule, but I felt like I don't have time to waste. We agreed on 3x physical therapy per week to start with. It's a shame he did not plan the hydrotherapy which would have given me some relaxation time. The Trappenberg is only 10 minutes from here so I will be going into day care. I intend to be on a complete schedule within two weeks. I have plans for the summer and must be well by then. I went to see Dr. Lips yesterday. We have planned to start the alternative treatment (Sorafenib) in August. I am hoping this will work for me. There aren't too many options after that. In the meantime, I will continue my Iodine treatments.
Whatever the case, I am looking ahead again and seem to have jumped on the band wagon. Glad to be walking again.