17 November 2008

Do I ever get bored?...

I get asked this question quite frequently and it always suprises me. People wonder if I get bored because I am not working, or at least not anything close to my usual capacity.

Well, these past two and a half weeks have been a real test as the pain that I have had to deal with was so tremendous that even I resorted to Tramal (Painkiller) and many hours in a horizontal position. As it is -that is if the specialists are getting their facts right- the increased absorbtion of Iodine is doing its job, which is basically killing as many cancer cells as possible. This causes inflamation and a build up of fluids in all the (28 odd) areas where there are tumors in my body. The high radioactive load left me unable to move my arms (shoulders) the past 3 weeks and I have been getting power bolts going down from my lower back to my 3rd and 4th left toe. This was really a period in which boredom could have struck as all I could do was sit and/or sleep. As you noticed I wasn't even able to get online, so the only distraction was television. I still wasn't bored. What people don't realize is how much time and effort actually goes into getting better. All my daily tasks took at least twice as long. I am also at the hospital on an average of one to two times a week. Usually this takes at least 4 hours, that is encluding my trip to Amsterdam, sometime even longer.

Taking my medicine in the morning takes me an hour before I can have breakfast. Multiply that by 7 and that is almost a working day that I lose out on. Then there are the trips to my physical therapy and hydrotherapy which take up another 3 hours a week if I am managing to go.

I also have Kiara to take care of and a household to run. Somewhere in the midst of all of those activities I try to spend some quality time with Marcus as well, not to mention all my dear friends and family who keep me on the ball. I really cannot comprehend how anyone could think that I am bored. I don't need to get a life! Thank goodness, I have one!

The past is history. The future is a mystery. The only time we really have is now - just this moment.

1 comment:

Jocelyn Zarr '86 said...

the pain sounds awful, you are so strong girl