Assen Superbikes races
This weekend, finally, after a long wait since November, we headed off to Assen where the superbikes races were to be held. We booked a nice hotel to be able to see the races both days without having to drive all the way home again. Assen is a 2 hour drive which for me is very strenuous. Marc invited his friend Roberto and his girlfriend Elsa along too.
Getting ready was hard enough for me.
When we were finally on our way there was a traffic jam in Baarn, only 5 miles from here. This is where my luck ran out for the rest of the weekend. I was in a foul mood too which did not help. The stress of the last week just was too much to handle. Especially all those people telling me I looked good or asking me if I was better yet, they really got to me. After a long drive Kiara and I arrived in Zuidlaren where the hotel was. I had specifically chosen this hotel so the kids 
could have a swim. We soon found out there was no swimming pool, that really ticked me off! You see, there were hotels nearer to the circuit which were alot cheaper. We got settled in and drove to the race.
There were supposed to be facilities voor invalids.
Well, this became an endeavor which turned into a nightmare! We were sent by one official to the next. Not being able to reach the track. This was so aggrevating!
After 2 hours on the road, you really
want to reach your destination. The answer was to disobey every single one of them. Finally we parked right near the gate. Our fun was already spoilt so we tried to pick ourselves up. The rest of the afternoon was OK though I noticed that this was an activity that was really not within my reach.
That night we had dinner at a Chinese restaurant, which was far from Chinese. After being showered by orange juice which the
waitress dropped on me we had to wait forever for our meals to be served up. When it finally came, everyone thought it was delicious. They must have been starved. That is my opinion. ;-). By this time I was starting to feel like a real whiner. Luckily, the hotel rooms were very nice and it seemed like we had the best rooms in the house. All the stress of the day resulted in an anxious evening. I have those every once in a while.
After having been sent on a site seeing tour of 38kms rather than showing me where to park, I tried again, this time without stopping for the officials. I made my way to the front of the parking lot where I was able to park. After Marc picked me up
with the wheelchair we were set for a nice afternoon. The rest of the day was worth it. We were there just in time for the first superbike race, and left after the second one. Marcus' favorite driver won both races. Leaving early allowed us to get out of there before the major traffic jams. Well that was that! Life for me is all about trying things. What can I and what can I not handle. Luckily, up to now, I think about 8 out of 10 things do work out. Some things do not.
Next year, I will not go to the race. The town of Zuid-Laren, however is really rather quaint and I would recomend people to go and have a look there. Kiara and I secretly got a sneak-peak at the statue of a man selling a horse and the Hunebedden.
Berend Botje ging uit varen
Met zijn scheepje naar Zuidlaren
De weg was recht, de weg was krom
Nooit kwam Berend Botje weerom
Een twee drie vier vijf zes zeven
Waar is Berend Botje gebleven?
Hij is niet hier, hij is niet daar
Hij is naar Amerika
Amerika, Amerika
Driemaal in de rondte van je hopsasa!
I always thought the hunebedden were bigger. Don't they have handicapped parking?
Hi there TOG,
As I can not open your profile I have decided to post a message here. Just incase you pop by. This hunebed is actually not that large, but I guess the height is fairly average.
As for the handicapped parking....well, they claim they do, and they actually do, but getting there is virtually impossible which sort of beats the objective. Seeing as I don't know you personally, it would be nice to hear from you who you are and what brought you to my weblog.
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