05 June 2008

Matters of the head

Since Wednesday, my phone conversation with Lips has been bothering me severly. All of a sudden Lips is in a rush to get me treatment. The bump on my head has grown since Christmas. I estimate that it is now 5 x 5 cm's. Initially the Neurosurgeon had told me that that area of the brain would only affect my balance. Right now they are talking about severe damage like paralysis, motoric matters, and seizures. They want to give me radiation therapy which intuitively does not feel like the right choice. They are worried about infections if they do operate. I can't help feeling that if they had not procrastinated that long, that the option of an operation last February would have been a better choice. I have now finally gotten an appointment with Luyx. I intend to change hospitals soon, but I want to make sure that she doesn't have better ideas. Also I want to see if she can coordinate my care. Ik need someone who is on top of things and who is smart enough to look at the periferal matters. I am currently waiting to make new decisions regarding my health, as I do not plan to give up now, which seems to be the general undertone in the VU Hospital. I need people believe in my ability to recover rather than giving up on my case. More news on this matter next week.

If I had a hammer
I'd hammer in the morning
I'd hammer in the evening
All over this land
I'd hammer out danger
I'd hammer out a warning
I'd hammer out love between my brothers and my sisters
All over this land