Day 4 of the hike and the finish
The final evening had arrived. I was happy that this would be the end of it. We had 2 different options. One was so start in the same place as where we would finish, which would mean that we would have to walk 7 kms. The other one was to start midway and get someone to drive me to and fro afterward, which meant that we would have to walk 5 kms.
Marcus kindly offered to drive us so we started at location 2.
The walk was very tiring as this evening the route was through the town's centre. We therefor had to walk the whole route on tarmac. This I did feel in my back. After a while the pain died down and a pain in my knee took over.
Usually, it is easier to walk the last evening as one can walk to the beat of the music. Unfortunately, our position in the cue was not favorable this year. We had to walk the hike on Smurf power, which proved to be pretty potent, leaving us with a school prize for the most original theme. Even the teachers and the principal were blue, and thus I too turned bluefaced.

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