03 June 2008

Day 2 of the hike

The second day of hike has passed. I made it to the finish once again! Today was easier than yesterday as we walked a path that was much more even. I noticed that I used the muscles in my legs much more as the aches and pains are right there in my upper thighs. I walked with Mieke at the back end of Kiara's school group, ensuring that there were no escapees.

Marcus and Collin came along to support us, and Jermaine joined our school today.
Well, I do feel rather triumphant. Today was probably the hardest day for me as I went to the office to work today and had another 2 meetings afterwards, allowing me no time to rest. An order- in dinner did help. Check out this footage! And some more. If I recover well tonight I will be back on the road tomorrow. New sponsors are welcome, of course. As for a comparison to when I was healthy...I think my body feels like it is walking 20 kms each night.

While we were walking Lips called my home to let me know that they don't want to do the surgery, but prefer radiation therapy. I don't know why yet, but by now I am sure that I want a second opinion. I need to call him in the morning to find out what is going on. One thing is for sure. I am not planning anything before my trip to Jamaica.

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