More info
I am trying to keep up what is going on but it is too much. I have decided to post what I have and to carry on later in another post.
s I have redirected you to my Weblog for information, I want to try to write everything down so you can be informed. As you know I was suddenly admitted to the hospital on Sunday evening after spending a day in Sittard for Kiara’s last musical show. We arrived there in time and are trying to look for the backstage entrance, when I heard Melvin and Angélique call me. They both said, Aisha you are walking way too fast. I had no idea what suddenly I felt pain in my back. Angélique and I both jumped in the car and followed Melvin who brought Kiara to the backstage entrance. The company allowed me to walk through the backstage area to the front by the time I arrived there I was unable to walk. I remained throughout the show an
d left the building in a wheelchair. Angélique drove us back to Hilversum and on our way there I decided it was best if she brought me to the hospital. By that time I couldn't even stand. Luckily I was examined by a doctor very quickly, scans were made, and physical examination took place. Part of the examination was on the stretcher. While I lay there and suddenly noticed that my leg had no sensation left in it and it also couldn't lift it any more. I remember coming in with a full bladder and was unable to pee any more. At this time I believed I was paralysed on one side.
So did the doctor who then ordered an ambulance and sent me to VU hospital in Amsterdam. Angélique and Kiara went to pick up mom who by that time was already on her way by train in Utrecht and then went to my home and Marcus was on his way to me on his motorcycle. He arrived in time to follow my ambulance to Amsterdam.
it took hours before we were helped. I was checked by the neurologist assistant first. He had some x-rays made and then consulted his boss by 0330 in the morning they admitted me to neurology department telling me to expect paralysis. The nature my problems was caused by the explosive growth of a tumour in my tailbone. Marcus stayed with me until five in the morning and after two hours sleep I was woken up for a day continuous tests and check-ups. The doctor in charge told me that I was lucky not to be paralysed yet at this point they still could not see what the extent of damage was. You see, all the spreading of c
ancer in my body is to the bone. By Monday evening I knew that there were two tumours that required immediate attention. One on TH6 and one on S1, both of which were causing serious neurological problems. The last couple of weeks I had felt a lot of pain in my chest area. This pain apparently is caused by the tumour at the back of TH6 which is pressing against my spinal-cord. In S1 the already known tumour of about 4 cm in diameter had explosively grown more than doubled in size. This tumour is massive and has nested itself in the rear cavity of my stomach behind my intestines in front of my tailbone in area intricate mesh work of nerves and veins tendons and other important parts bodies computer. The nervus caudalis runs through this area and has function of stimulating the legs, bladder, womb, and intestines. This is nerve has been enclosed by its massive tumour and is causing me to paralyse. This is a situation in which most people are told that this is it. Prepare to not be able to be more, we cannot operate this area is too much of a risk. I was reminded that evening that I could be paralysed for ever in my right leg. On day t
hree the doctor came to see me after many tests they believed that I had enough power in my legs to be able to learn to walk again even though sensation would not come back. They felt this because there has been some improvement since my admittance. I was to start strict regime of exercise but they made sure that I knew that I lost the sensation in my legs for ever.
I was told that it was important to have radiation therapy for TH6 as soon as possible and arrangements were made with AVL hospital where I was brought on Wednesday morning, once again by ambulance. Jacqueline was there to see me through it. We were there for about four hours. They marked my body simulator and their radiation therapy immediately. After that I was rushed back to VU hospital immediately Tineke joined me in the afternoon, this was one of the first times when they talked about the possibilities to take care of the tumour. Talks were going on with Leiden about a supernatural surgery. We were hoping that this dream team neurologists will be able to remove the tumour mass and free and nerve tissue. At the moment we are still waiting for answers
it took hours before we were helped. I was checked by the neurologist assistant first. He had some x-rays made and then consulted his boss by 0330 in the morning they admitted me to neurology department telling me to expect paralysis. The nature my problems was caused by the explosive growth of a tumour in my tailbone. Marcus stayed with me until five in the morning and after two hours sleep I was woken up for a day continuous tests and check-ups. The doctor in charge told me that I was lucky not to be paralysed yet at this point they still could not see what the extent of damage was. You see, all the spreading of c

I was told that it was important to have radiation therapy for TH6 as soon as possible and arrangements were made with AVL hospital where I was brought on Wednesday morning, once again by ambulance. Jacqueline was there to see me through it. We were there for about four hours. They marked my body simulator and their radiation therapy immediately. After that I was rushed back to VU hospital immediately Tineke joined me in the afternoon, this was one of the first times when they talked about the possibilities to take care of the tumour. Talks were going on with Leiden about a supernatural surgery. We were hoping that this dream team neurologists will be able to remove the tumour mass and free and nerve tissue. At the moment we are still waiting for answers
Well this is it for now... more later...