Lots to do, very little umf!
Kiara who is crazy about musicals signed up for an audition for Ciske de Rat a huge Dutch production. Kiara can act well, and to my suprise she had practiced so much that she was up to it. She was invited to the auditions. It wasn't a very long wait. Everything happened within 2,5 hours. Kiara was not selected for the musical but they sent her to another company where they will be putting up a musical show about Nelson Mandela. I wonder what they will say! They told her that she auditioned well which is really something.
On top of that Kiara is entering for the Dutch competitions of the Junior Eurovision Songcontest. You can watch her vid here. Dutch viewers please go to the AVRO site and vote! This whole thing has kept us and Jermaine and Ineke pretty busy. 
Apart from Facebook which has been keeping me occupied day and night, I actually met my old friend Yvonne who I knew in Brazil when I was seven. She and our parents got together for lunch last monday. We had a fabulous lunch out in the sun in Apeldoorn. That was my first day in the sun this year.
It was great to reminice!
I am enjoying my time...dodging between resting an resting! Though I am confined to my crutches and wheelchair again, I do manage to drive. It seems to be the only way that I can fixate my hipjoint.
I have started hydrotherapy again to boost my physical condition before my operation. I am happy that it will be happening soon.
1 comment:
Dearest Aisha:
Your dreams are helping you to fight the pain and as much as you can avoid the painkillers using your own considerable inner powers, the better for you!
I limit them also, I'm down to 4 ibuprofen a month for my period, if that even, when it used to take 8 as a younger woman. Point being, when you need them, like after the surgery, you want them to work!
Kiara is a strong soul and so talented, just like her mother, good for her to keep on going following her dreams and making you so proud in the process.
You're a lucky Mom to have a great daughter for inspiration and for strength.
Ken wants to get a headset so we can talk--the mike won't work--but we're tight on cash this week for utilities which have doubled in the past year, everyone in Maryland is late on their BGE bill apparently. The headsets are about $40 a pop, so once he's paid next week he'll likely pick up a set and we can work the Skype on our bedroom laptop.
I swore I'd never wear one again after 4 years of being chained to one at mbna but for you, my dear, i will plug in to the borg once again, since it's all "after call".
And it's free!
I'll probably talk to more people overseas than here in the States, isn't that funny? After being 16-19 in NL where no one used the phone, pre-cell, I never really got into the whole gabfest, I'd use my cell for videogames, while travelling, for work or to let someone know I'd be late, and that's about it.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy a lovely weekend with your family and concentrate the pain away as much as you can. Mostly save your energy for healing, because your body and mind will need rest soon.
Many hugs and much love,
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