Helena's visit
My ghostwriter has put me in the position that I now have to write up on Helena's visit! Helena is my schoolfriend from Tunis, way back when we were in 3rd-6th grade. I hadn't seen Helena in about 15 years when I met her in Brussels. Helena hopped on a plane from Stockholm and I had a meeting in the VU hospital. I met her one stop away from the Airport, thank goodness for my invalid parking pass! It was as if we had last seen each other a week ago and we started chit chatting straigh-off! Helena was remarkable, she came with me to Lips's office, which did me good because you get so used to being caught up in your own little World that an outsiders'perspective on things remind you of the severity of everything that is going on. Helena quickly grasped the concept of my illness. She knows me so well that she knew I could use any help that is offered to me. Helena drove me back to
Hilversum and took ik upon herself to do the shopping and cooking for me two days in a row. She also made me go rest a few times and I felt no need to disobey. You can really tell that Helena runs a house-hold with 4 beautiful kids, she never once asked me where I kept things and she just set about doing what needed to be done. In the meantime I got her hooked up to Facebook. Helena has made a giant step into the digital World! The best part of her stay was re-hashing old stories. It was beautiful. I managed to go into the hospital totally revitalized! Thank you so much girl, you are a wonderful friend!
For your entertainment, here's a little excert from Jocelyn's (who went to school with Helena and I) blog:
"This afternoon i was talking on "Skype" (intranet video call) with Aisha in Holland! Aisha "skyped" me since it was a special occasion! A mutual friend, Helena, was visiting her from Stockholm, Sweden. Helena, Aisha and I all went to school and did girl scouts together in Tunis, North Africa in 1978. I have to say its been maybe 20 years at least since we all were on a phone call together- let alone a video call! At any rate during the call, my doorbell rang, it was Ella (with her visiting Grandpa) coming to see if Zara was awake. I wasn't going to open the door since i was so excited to be on the call and Zara was alseep anyway...
So I just mentioned to Aisha and Helena, "Oh! its the cutest little girl Ella from Sweden coming to see if zara is awake, but since she isn't.." Helena cut me off and asked
if Ella had a younger sister to which i responded, "yes its M----!"
I could see Helena's expression turn to recognition and she said "OH!!..Her grandfather was my old boss in Vienna, he was the Swedish ambassador there!" Needless to say, I rushed outside and dragged them in.. both grandfather and Ella spoke to Helena in Swedish to make the connection! Turned out it was Ella's OTHER granddad that was Helena's old boss at the Swedish Ministry offices in Vienna, Austria.
Aisha and I were left sitting laughing at each other! It was amazing.. and yet so typical of us! "
So I just mentioned to Aisha and Helena, "Oh! its the cutest little girl Ella from Sweden coming to see if zara is awake, but since she isn't.." Helena cut me off and asked
if Ella had a younger sister to which i responded, "yes its M----!"
I could see Helena's expression turn to recognition and she said "OH!!..Her grandfather was my old boss in Vienna, he was the Swedish ambassador there!" Needless to say, I rushed outside and dragged them in.. both grandfather and Ella spoke to Helena in Swedish to make the connection! Turned out it was Ella's OTHER granddad that was Helena's old boss at the Swedish Ministry offices in Vienna, Austria.
Aisha and I were left sitting laughing at each other! It was amazing.. and yet so typical of us! "
Thank you so much! That was so sweet what you wrote about my visit! I really enjoyed seeing you a lovely Kiara! Although I have to admit that I hadn't realized exactly how ill you are until I saw all those dates of scans on Dr Lip's computer (and they were only from 31 Dec 2008...) You are the bravest woman I know, and you have such a positive and optimistic air about you it's just amazing. You really are a Lion! You have really inspired me in thinking about what is truly important in life. Talk to you soon again, lots of love, Helena
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