14 April 2009

Busy, busy, busy

Working towards an operation somehow gives you a major energy boost. Procrastination screeches to a hault when you know that the stuff you need to get done....really needs to get done. So within 2 days I have caught up with paying my bills, filing my admin, handing in my tax returns, arranging all sorts of stuff for Kiara, requesting aid for after my operation, purchasing a new bed for Marcus' house, getting my brakes replaced, getting my locks renewed, etc. etc. etc. In the midst of this all I have managed to find time to finish off the job that I have taken on and I have started to go to hydrotherapy again. I want my muscles to be as fit as possible when I go to the hospital next week. It's hard to find a balance with rest and with the pain but somehow I am managing.
Anyway, next week it's official, I am becoming the Bionic woman with one arm and two legs enhanced. I am hoping and praying that the result is as good as the last time! Now that I have learnt to feel pain, that is my biggest fear. The operation is creeping up on me pretty fast!

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