We are back home now. We actually made it there and back again. It was the trip that I wanted and I was going to make it, dead or alive.
Travel is such a significant part of my life. Having grown up moving from country to country that somehow gets into one's blood and life without it seems empty. It was of great importance to me to know that I was able to do this again. Well, we made it! In retrospect I did really well as I felt hardly any restrictions when
I was in the US. We had a great time seeing Jocelyn, Matt and little Zara, shopping, going for pedicures, celebrating Thanksgiving and even seeing some of the sights. I had not expected to be able to do that, but I decided to drive around for Kiara and show her things from the car. Too bad I did not have my Parking pass yet because that would have gotten me really close to the monuments. By the way I have been granted the pass for a year. They are supposed to issue them for 5 years....but at least that's something!

When I got back from the US my friends had been in action. Tineke (alias the White Witch) and her boyfriend Henk had painted my livingroom. As you can see, it looks fabulous! And for the first time since I live in this home, it feels like my place.
Jacqueline had worked on my closet in my bedroom which looked meticulous.
Aldith and Leon had moved in the beautiful white couch which Talitha gave me after moving in with her boyfriend. So now I am slowly starting to feel at home in my own house.
This Spring I will make a new attempt at re-mortgaging the house in order to
get some extra cash to fix the windows, the outdoor painting and a few other things. These matters are very difficult if you are a cancer patient. Only this week I reallized that moving countries would be a problem as far as medical insurance is concerned. It was Micheal Moore's 'Sicko' which I watched on the plane (must see that one) that triggered that thought. I would have to continue my current insurance. In that sense, I guesse I will not get a break. But I have learnt to appreciate everything that I do have.
For instance: Kiara got her report card today. She has done extremely well this first quarter scoring no less than a 7, and even getting a 9,5 for Geometry. Little miracles are beautiful. I had expected her to do worse for sure!
No, I get by with a little help from my friends
Mm, I get high with a little help from my friends
Mm, gonna try with a little help from my friends
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