I was right on track,....moving forward....enjoying my new-found life, when suddenly my right arm started to hurt. The pain increased rapidly, getting worse everyday. I called my radiation therapist and she made an appointment for me but wasn't willing to go through with it before I had an x-ray taken.
I had a meeting with my orthopedic surgeon last week and he told me I need a new operation. A pin down my humerus. This time it's my right arm. Basically I am OK with his decision because it will give me more security, but I was just starting to move ahead. I can tell now that the V&D attack last month has totally drained me because this extra operation seems to be a hard one to handle. I spent the whole of Friday crying. It's not of fear of the's just that I am so tired. Tired of fighting, tired of staying positive.
In the meantime, I am trying not to let this get me down too much,...I booked a trip to Brazil in May! :-)
For those of you who are new here: I am a 41 year old single mother dealing with metastased follicular thyroid cancer. I have had extensive surgery and have a wonderful collection of titanium pins, nuts and plates in my body. Yes,..I am the real bionic woman. Bet you never thought she was middle-aged and black?!!!
Perfect!Great! This helped a bunch! I've seen a few
rather confusing sites lately, this cleared up a lot confusion I had.
Thank you for this comment. Would you care to e-mail me at
Aisha, first of all i love that pic of you next to your profile Bio, the old B&W one, as a kid, darling! You booked for may, way to go girl! keep thinking ahead, i love that attitude and i cant imagine you are gong into surgery on Wednesday! wow, Are you happy with the result of a fast response.. i can imagine you are torn between "not again" and "hurry up fix this now!" YOU ARE SUPERWOMAN-- but that news is not new to me!
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