12 December 2008

Surgery again

The Morbus de Quervain is being treated. This time I get to go to the hospital in Hilversum. I haven't been on here much lately because I simply haven't been able to work on the computer due to pain. So here's a short note to inform you what I am doing.
The scare I had after the last treatment which had me going to the first aid department the day after my last treatment, was not a scare. I have to deal with the situation again that after telling people what is wrong and seeing the right doctors, now suddenly after 7 weeks they are rushing me to the specialist because, OMG....you might end up breaking your arm! Anyway, the tumor in the arm has caused the bone to become thin and brittle. That is precisely what I told them 7 weeks ago. I literally said that I was scared that my bone was going to break and explained why I thought so. They checked and told me everything was OK. Nobody said that I needed to go back to my specialist. I asked for the scans myself, and now suddenly they want to rush me in there and have made it is possible to see Dr. Jiya within 4 days (including the weekend). So, monday I will be going in to find out what needs to be done about the Humerus. For now...I will concentrate on today's surgery of the tendon of my thumb. I can deal with that, there is no cancer involved!

1 comment:

Jocelyn Zarr '86 said...

This is all crazy girl; but you are amazing- as you well know --and certainly don't need me telling you, yet again! please dot push yourself like we all know you LIKE to!!==take it easy on yourself- and dont go out into the slippery snow- i can undertand your fear there! i hear Poca is home again...how sad for her...LOL love you, jocelyn