Radiation therapy
So, I haven't been on here for a few days now trying to get accustomed to my new treatment. Last week I thought that my radiation therapy was supposed to start. In the frenzy in which I read the letter I overlooked that the first actual radiation session was a week later. I have problems focussing at times, but this time Marcus missed it too. The good part was that I asked my mother
to come with me. This turned out to be a great support as having the mask fitted is not exactly fun either. It became apparent that my new choice of hospitals was already paying off. The efficiency was marvelous which made the whole procedure like clock-work.
I have now started with my series of radiation sessions to my head. (5x a dose of 4) This is a very high dose to the head but we seem to b
e skimming the brain and the higher the dosage the better.
Also, if more radation is needed a second series will not be a problem. Yesterday was the first day and I must say that I felt a little tense going there, as I do not like the idea of being fried alive. I was rather relaxed though as I made it a sport to not think about it until I was actually there. I noticed that Marcus was
very tense though. I was happy that he came with me as he managed to get my mind off the whole process.
The actual therapy went by quickly. While the radiation is in process you can hear a buzzer. The first one scared me, but by the time I had the fifth one I was used to it already. I was happy to be able to take off the clausterphobic mask. It left tiny bumps on my face (from the mask pressing down hard)which disappeared rapidly. Though they tell you that you cannot feel anything, I have to say that I felt a burning sensation right where the tumor is. Good news, I suspect. I got through the night without too much pain, hardly any nausea, but feeling very winded. I will have to go easy the next couple of days. 
Day two was easier with less pain. I am not supposed to notice anything yet, but honestly, the area of the tumor has already decreased. The height has increased though, as expected, due to the extra water retention. Usually results can only be noticed after about 2 weeks. We will see!
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