Hairloss versus wiggain
The inevitable has come into action. My hair is falling out in bunches for the third consecutive day. At the rate that this is happening, I will be bald in no time. The actual baldness doesn't bother me too much, but seeing that amount of hair fall out at once is kind of creepy. It is not actually a sign of vitality. This here is the harvest of a single day. I don't know where this will end. This event
resulted in me going to the black-hair shop as I knew they sold wigs there. Wigs are big business and to get the right one you need to do a lot of fitting. I will also need a letter from my specialist to get my insurance to pay for it. I expect that will take another 3 months before I have that all arranged. So I have decide to buy an in between wig. I found the Tyra wig which looks pretty good on me. Imagine! Here's me going into the shop looking for a short Halle Berry style and subsequently leaving the shop with a long Tyra style. Anyway, the wig was as cheap as € 35 giving me a solution if the rest of my hair falls out over night. Thank God for China being a huge player on the World economic market. I love the way the box from Sleek had all the fashionista cities written on the side. In their view the places to be were London, Paris, Accra, Johannesburg and Lagos. They are definately targeting the black market, don't you think?
Kiara was at my mother's, so when she came home I made sure I had the wig on. To my suprise both of them and also Kiara's friend Dilara, liked the wig. I told Kiara we need to baptise the wig. She has named her Shakira! How about that! The hairstyle isn't exactly me, but it looks cute anyway. So, you had better get used to the temporary look. Looking forward to all the Tyra- (or Shakira-)mail!
Is PocaMail good enough for you??
Gurlll, da wig izzz da bomb!! You look ab fab.
But then, your beauty has nothing to do with hair in the first place, does it..?!?
Gwaaan Shakira!
It does look natural and nice. It must take getting used to. No? Okay youall we're going in the wig business. I like that you are so adaptable birdy!
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