Kiara turns 9
Kiara turned 9 years old last Saturday. Since I took ill, birthdays just aren't
the same anymore. I thank God for every year that I can experience with Kiara. Time with your child is the most valuable thing in your life. The thought that haunts me the most is that I will not make it in the end and that I will have to leave such a young child behind, especially in our case, where she grew up without siblings or her dad in the house. I any case it was a real time of celebration. Last year I did not see Kiara on her birthday. She turned 8 years old in a summer camp while I was in the hospital. On Saturday when she woke up I gave her her presents. She was lucky this year as she was spoilt rotten. The family bought her a brand new BMX bike. She had many phone calls and cards. Thank you for that! In the afternoon we had a few kids over from the neighborhood come over to play. We didn't have the party yet, but I served poffertjes
and we went to the ice-cream parlour in the afternoon. On or way there we picked up the Birthday cake. I used to make them myself but it is so much work that I decided to order one instead. This year''s theme was karting which is what we did on Sunday with a very select group of children. But before it was time to do that, Marc,
the kids and I went to Nam Kee, a well known Chinese restaurant in Amsterdam.
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