Many rivers to cross.
Just a short post before I enter OP again tomorrow. The last operation was succesful (Arm) but I have been in severe pain since. The pain is mostly in my pelvis and right leg and has been unbearable. What the cause is is not clear. I can only imagine that my positioning during the last OP changed the position of vertebrae or other bones. The pain that I am going through is mostly nerve-pain. All in all too much is going on in my life at the moment for one person to deal with. That would be physically as well as mentally. My battle against this dreaded disease is really tough and more than ever, it is asking alot from me.
Tomorrow at 8 o'clock I will be expected at the Angio department. They will perform RFA treatment on my sacrum (rear end of the pelvis). I am pretty scared though Dr. Meijerink has calmed me down a bit. As usual I hope to win this battle too. I have been afraid of this treatment because my general health is weak. I am worried only about possible complications and not being able to win that fight. Precautions are being taken to avoid infections. That is the most important issue.
As far as Marcus goes, I know many of you have questions about what happened. All that I am willing to say is that despite our recent break-up he is being very supportive of me.
Another matter that has been bothering me is the fact that Dr. Bussemaker of the Trappenberg has thrown me out of the system. She is allowing me back in to the Trappenberg only if I pass her (impossible) test. She expects me to be able to perform all my tricks by next week Thursday. By tricks I mean that she expects me to be able to sit on the side of my bed, stand and make a transfer with a lift into a wheelchair. Those are the 'tricks' that I was able to do when I left the Trappenberg and she expects the same level of performance after 1,5 weeks with two major surgeries. As you can imagine, I am pushing myself to the limit to reach those standards (not good for me I need rest). I have informed my doctors in the hospital and they are enraged. They have taken over the handling and are arranging an admittance for me.
After all, I have shown that I can and will do the needed work and not only I but Kiara also deserves the best possible solution for a rewarding life.Will be gone for a while and Angelique's request from the last post still stands.
I should be home this weekend if we can manage the pain and I will need the quiet and comfort of my home for quite a while. If you wish to visit me, contact me through Twitter or e-mail and I will see when we can meet again.
Once I am home I will continue to have visiting hours. I would like to ask everyone to not come to my home unannounced. I need this to be able to take this hurdle.
Last but not least, thanks so much for Tweepcare. You guys and my friends and my neighborhood have been amazing! Once I do get past this hurdle the next step is to sell my house so that Kiara and I can move on to the next positive stage...The Entrada, my dream castle!
Please say a prayer for me today and do click the vid!
Dearest Ai
I wish you a gian't's strength & confidence! you will pass this hurdle. I'll be thinking of you!
Lots of love
Many rivers to cross and it is only by will.
Today I am feeling emotional anyway, and now the tears are falling from my eyes. I am strong, I did overcome my illnes many years ago, so I know your fight, you will manage!!
But .. for now, if I could carry your pain I would, even if it was only for a minute.
Lieve Aisha,
Many rivers to cross...but you will succeed!! Ik zal voor je blijven bidden lieverd!! Sterkte & beterschap en denk aan je!!
Lots of love, Aniet
hi sweetie! Je hebt je blog veranderd! Ik zat te denken om voor ons projektje een wordpress aan te maken, lijkt je dat wat? Over titel en naam kunnen we nog stoeien!
liefs en slaap hopelijk pijnloos.
i cant believe how delayed i am in reading this post!!! first of your all, your home looks amazing, are those Kiara's (little professional) pics? and Jimmy's vid was great to hear and see... wow the words really strike you... was just playing on the website.. hoping to catch Helena tomorrow! love j
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