Doing OK
After stopping the cure for 6 days I started again with an altered dose, taking 1,5 tablets each time instead of 2. I seem to be okay now apart from going almost entirely bald again. The pain is manageable and the rash has stayed away up to now. I do feel extra sensitivity in my fingers and toes though. All in all, after my check-up this morning, I knew that this is the path we will continue, at least for the time being.
My intestines are giving some problems though. To rule things out a colonoscopy will take place soon. Eventhough it is supposed to be a horrible test, I am happy about it als my intestines have been a source of stress and worry to me. Within 4 weeks my first bloodwork should be coming through. We are hoping to see a drastic drop in Thyreoglobulin, but my doctor told me that an increase could signify that the treatment is working too as levels usually rise tremendously first, then drop later on.
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