Progression each day
Since my last post the emphasis has been on mobilisation.
babysteps is the answer to finding a way to walk again. Each morning I wake up with two goals (a realistic one, and one that pushes boundries). It started out with just being able to sit up in bed. Yesterday I walked 6 meters in total to the door and back. Two days ago my stitches were removed. The 27 stitches somehow seem to have constricted me a bit, because my back now seems to be more relaxed, allowing me to move better.
Up to now I have managed to reach my secondary goal each day. The great thing is that, the question of will I be able to walk again, has been answered in a time period of less than two weeks. Yes, for sure, I will be able to walk again with walking aids. I will not venture too much beyond that fact as right now the feeling in my legs is not good enough to walk safely without an aid.
From my hospital bed, my life goes on partially virtually and partially IRL.I have started to have
visitors. Preferably one by one, as I still get tired quickly. It was especially nice to see Aldith back after her trip. She brought me back some sunkist fruit...lovely!
It was quite funny because last night I was telling one of the nurses that I had lost 3 litres of blood during my operation. She told me that that was impossible as women only have 4 to 5 liters of blood. I said that that is what I remembered that the surgeon had told me. She said that it was probably more like 300cc and then suggested to look it up in the operation report. She came back looking rather flabbergasted as it was actually more than 3 litres. I was 3,5 which is 7/10 of what I have. She explained to me that the blood that is given to you is also immediately replaced by the body. This alone is an energy consuming matter. No wonder I felt much better after the second blood transfusion. At least now, my anaemia is under control. I spend quite a lot of time on the computer. I check my mail, do my payments, check things for the new house, help coordinate the changes at my own house. I even signed the contract for my new appartment! I entertain myself on social media like Twitter and Facebook and all this is so great to keep my mind off only being or feeling ill.
The Twitter society has been especially helpful. They are around in the middel of the night when you wake up and feel bored. But they have also sent met loads of cards, visited me and even helped me fix my house. I hope that the Queens communication officers tell her that social media are called social media because they are infact SOCIAL. *I am referring to the Queen's speach in which she said that internet had an isolating effect on people.*
Being in the hospital this long in the neurology department is quite strenuous. You share the room with 3 other cases and usually they are pretty severe cases. Sleep is difficult because there is always something going on in the middel of the night. People crying it out, new people being admitted, you name it... I seem to have landed in the room with a television connection.
I have Aldith as a relative, and my two neighbors are also family to Dutch Celebs Yvette Forster and my favorite upcoming actor Chemsedinne Amar.
So you might wonder how Kiara is doing with all this going on. I don't get to see her that much because she is being kept busy. The disappointment of not going to Brazil was something I wanted to compensate. Melvin and my Aunt Tirza suggested to take Kiara and Jermaine to Center Parks. They left on Tuesday and came back on Friday. Melvin went shopping with them for mother's day. On Saturday Kiara suprised me with a visit as she wouldn't be able to see me on Sunday. She had made me a decorated CD at school with a poem and she also bought me a silver charm of a bird that looks like it is about to take off in flight. How appropriate! I miss her dearly. She is now camping with Jesse her schoolfriend and tonight, she is off to Zevenaar to stay with my parents until the end of the week. All in all she has had a lovely holiday. When the holiday is over, I hope to see her more often.
I would at this point also like to mention that my roomy of the last admittion, has also been re-admitted last night. Nicole came in with an unknown neurological complication. After many negative tests, they are opening her skull today for brainsamples. The tragedy is that she is hoping it is cancer...because that is the only way they might be able to treat her. Nicole...I am thinking of you all day. Hang in there girl.
You're such a wonder of medical science... Pls ask them for lots of spinach to help you out with the blood thing... Looking at your back makes me want to cry... :-(((
Hang in there, girl! I'll do my best to help Kiara have a nice last week of vacation...
Aldith / Poca xxx
Hai Aisha!
Het lezen van jouw blog doet me toch steeds weer beseffen dat je een prachtig mens bent. Sterk en met een juiste kijk op de wereld. Tegenslagen overkomen je, maar hoe je er mee omgaat is datgene dat maakt wie je bent: een sterke vrouw! Inderdaad, Elk stapje is een stapje vooruit. En zolang je vooruit kunt kijken gaat het goed. Je bent een kanjer!
Groetjes van Nico (aka @Wispelaar)
My my what a big zipper on your backbone, I can image that getting rid of the stitches enables you much more to move. It is terrific to read how quickly you are progressing. good for you !
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