Finally a total body scan!!!
Today, I finally got my way. A total body scan to check whether we are missing any areas. This time I wasn't frozen as I had the lucid idea of wearing thermal underwear. After having an injection with radioactive material I was finally scanned from head to toe. I haven't heard the analysis yet but I an educated glance at the scans tells me that there are no suprises. The areas where I thought I felt new tumors were indeed areas that looked active, but they are small, and I am presuming that they were there all the time. I think I can feel them now because the pain in other areas is dying down. The back and the hips look very stable. I am not so sure about my head which shows a larger section, but we need a different type of scan to differentiate between the actual cancer cells and other bone cells in the area that are fighting to irradicate the cancer cells. These cells also hurt and show a similar
How I feel? Well, I feel like my intuition is not failing me. A very reassuring thought. I feel much happier now. I really do not understand why this was so difficult to reallize! We are now 10 months into my would have been nice to have an older scan to compare this one with. I will hear more about the scan sometime next week, I think. We love Detector 1 (my scanning machine). It is much better than all its brothers with names ending with 'tron' (the ending of magnetron, the Dutch word for microwave) as it has given me an overall view. This coming friday I will be back in quarantine. My number will once again be posted on here as soon as it is available.
Hope you're okay in quarantie... Will be with you in thought, heart and spirit...
Hope you're okay in quarantie... Will be with you in thought, heart and spirit...
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